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30 Quotes of Quality
Quality: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something
As you continue on your path towards living a happy life full of gratitude and love, use these quotes in your daily practice.
1. “The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies.”
― Ray Bradbury
2. “Being different is a revolving door in your life where secure people enter and insecure exit.”
― Shannon L. Alder
3. “To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
4. “I’d rather make a show 100 people need to see, than a show that 1000 people want to see.”
― Joss Whedon
5. “Coach said. “the quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor”.”
― Sherman Alexie
6. “Be patient with him. If the same quality did not exist in you, you wouldn’t notice it in him.”
― Robyn Mundell
7. “Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way… you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.”
― Aristotle
8. “Inhumanity, n. One of the signal and characteristic qualities of humanity.”
― Ambrose Bierce
9. “To assess the quality of thoughts of people, don’t listen to their words, but watch their actions.”
― Amit Kalantri
10. “How good something is should never be determined by its cost, designer, origin, or its perceived value by others.”
― Ashly Lorenzana
11. “…there are people who try to look as if they are doing a good and thorough job, and then there are the people who actually damn well do it, for its own sake.”
― John D. MacDonald
12. “It is quality rather than quantity that matters.”
― Seneca
13. “Care and Quality are internal and external aspects of the same thing. A person who sees Quality and feels it as he works is a person who cares. A person who cares about what he sees and does is a person who’s bound to have some characteristic of quality.”
― Robert M. Pirsig
14. “The key then to attaining this higher level of intelligence is to make our years of study qualitatively rich. We don’t simply absorb information – we internalize it and make it our own by finding some way to put this knowledge to practical use.”
― Robert Greene
15. “Chasing a person doesn’t give you value or build values in you. You earn your value by chasing morality and practicing dignity.”
― Shannon L. Alder
16. “All good work requires self-revelation.”
― Sidney Lumet
17. “People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it”
― Howard Newton
18. “Quality begins on the inside… then works its way out.”
― Bob Moawad
19. “No matter our talent, we all know in the midnight of our souls that 90 percent of what we do is less than our best.”
― Robert McKee
20. “There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man’s lawful prey.”
― John Ruskin
21. “Better to work for yourself alone. You do as you like and follow your own ideas, you admire yourself and please yourself: isn’t that the main thing? And then the public is so stupid. Besides, who reads? And what do they read? And what do they admire?”
― Gustave Flaubert
22. “Love is a quality, not a quantity.”
― Vanna Bonta
23. “Our progress, the realization of our dreams, and the quality of our life depend directly on the level of our commitment to the process.”
― Dr Prem Jagyasi
24. “The world has changed from quality to quantity, and so have we.”
― Santosh Kalwar
25. “The quality of beauty lies on
how beholder values an object.”
― Toba Beta
26. “Good clothes, when put to the test, survive a change in fortune, as a Roman arch survives the luxury of departed empire.”
― Arnold Bennett
27. “Quality, relevant content can’t be spotted by an algorithm. You can’t subscribe to it. You need people – actual human beings – to create or curate it.”
― Kristina Halvorson
28. “The quality of the question determines the quality of the answer.”
― Martin “Rainman” Leghart Jr.
29. “Everything has its quality; it matters.”
― Ehsan Sehgal
30. “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”
― Henry Ford
Suggested Resources & Reading
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