What is Attitude of Gratitude?

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Your Attitude of Gratitude

starts with you! This is your attitude toward life; the way you see it, the way you interact with it and the way you react to it.

This is something that you might not have had experience being in control of. You might be reacting to life as it comes with little to no say in how it is interpreted in your head.

While this is not always a bad thing, not being in control of your reactions can lead to some negative and unpredictable reactions.


an attitude of gratitude is an approach to life with acknowledgement that you are grateful for what you have. Things might not always go your way, and you still strive to make things better for yourself, but you appreciate and give thanks for what you do have.


most this will not be an easy or natural process. It will feel wrong, like you are lying to yourself, or just completely unnatural. Fear not! While this may be a new process, it will help you to live more in the moment and be a generally more positive person.


is not to say that you will never feel bad again. Like every person, you will have good days and bad days, good times and bad times. This is the natural flow of life.


are something that we do not have control of. They are a response to our lives, our thoughts and everything that happens to us. What we can control is how we respond to our emotions.


are different that reactions. A reaction is something that is most likely automated. You feel an itch, so you scratch. A response is something that is thought about beforehand before a reaction occurs. When you feel the itch, you think about why it itches and whether you should scratch or not based on why it itches, bug bite vs poison ivy.


an attitude of gratitude is a learned response to how you perceive the world. Another way to look at this would be seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. This way of looking at life is not usually the natural way humans look at life.


as a species have learned to look out for danger in many forms. Some examples are from predators, poisonous food, life-threatening terrain and competition within our own species. This genetic outlook has caused us to look for the negatives in the world to preserve our life.


though this outlook on life is no longer needed in our day-to-day lives, we still maintain the focus on the negative. Switching to look for the positive in life is the opposite of what our species has used to survive and why it can be so hard for many of us to transition to.


are many steps you can take to start your transition into an attitude of gratitude in your life. Doing this will help you stay in the moment and lead a more positive and happy life.

Suggested Resources & Reading

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